Saturday, June 26, 2010

Support Letter

Dear friends,

In September 2010, I plan to go to Montego Bay, Jamaica to participate in a five month long Discipleship Training School(DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). YWAM is an international movement of Christians who are dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world with an aim to know God and to make Him known.

The DTS that I will be a part of is focused on building Christian character and equipping students for their calling in God. The schools emphasis is on cross cultural evangelism and global awareness and preparing students to reach current and future generations with the Gospel. The course is made up of a three-month classroom phase and a two-month field assignment. During the classroom phase, I will be living on campus with my fellow students and learning from lecturers from around the world. The outreach is where I get to put into practice what I have learned, working alongside pastors and missionaries in the country I will be going to. In the past, this school has gone to Albania, Venezuela, Brazil, Grenada, Guyana, Dominica, Trinidad, Haiti, Suriname, Martinique and West Africa.

YWAM has always been something I’d heard about but never something I even considered for myself. Yet God has placed on my heart a desire to serve him and a hunger to know him more. For the past year I have been looking into many other missions opportunities from many different organizations but none of them have felt right or given me a peace like my decision to go to Jamaica for YWAM has. God has continued to open up the doors for me to go and it is exciting to see how he is working the details out for me and asking me to trust him to do so.

Even though I will be going to Jamaica alone, please prayerfully consider coming with me through prayer and support. First of all, I will need prayers that not only will I able to go, but that while there I will adjust quickly to the culture, and that God will be protecting me from harm and constantly guiding me during all aspects of my time there. Secondly, I will need help financially to raise the $10,000 USD required for me to go. If you are interested in supporting me through prayer or finances please email me at or send donations to: Box 29, Waldheim, SK, s0k 4r0. Please make all cheques payable to Allison Hildebrand.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration!

Allison Hildebrand