Thursday, July 22, 2010

The "in-between"

Each day I realize more and more how much I have yet to learn.

     On July 5th, I started a new job working as a dental assistant at an office in Saskatoon. In my mind I had things all worked out perfectly-I would work 8-4:30, Monday to Friday, and still get to enjoy some summer while living at home. But due to unforseen circumstances by the office and me, my hours were being cut back by a fairly significant amount. Although I was disappointed considering the amount of money I have yet to raise,I was just thankful to have a dental assisting job (and still am!). Besides that,I was definitely willing to do some extra things around the office and pick up another job for evenings and weekends to make up for the hours I was losing. So I did. Once again I figured I had things cased, however these unforseen circumstances are continuing to pose an issue and my hours at the dental office are threatened by cutbacks once again AND it is uncertain how many hours I'll be getting at the second job.

     I'm trying not to jump the gun and get all stressed about finances. I know that there is more to life than worrying about money and that I serve a God who is bigger than "unforseen circumstances". However, I can't help but be slightly nervous about everything coming together like it needs to. As I was pondering all this on the way home from work today, I really felt God remind me to rely on him.Fully and whole-heartedly. Although I like to say I'm trusting God to provide the way if I'm called to go, the prideful part of me wants to earn my way there and rely very little on God or others to help me. Self-sufficient, independent, in control-all things I think I need to be but nothing like the person God wants me to be. When we get to a place where we don't need others or most importantly God, it's a dangerous place to be.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6. It can't get much plainer than that, can it? Whole-hearted trust in God means that he(who is able to do immeasurably more than all I could ask or imagine-Ephesians3:20) will take care of the details and the way I should go. All I have to do is walk.

58 Days

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