Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm on my way!

I can't believe I am almost IN Jamaica already. By lunch today I'll be there. 4 months of waiting,over! While saying goodbye to my family I thought "Why in the world am I doing this?!" but as I started flying, a peace just settled over me and an excitement overwhelmed me. I can't wait to see how my journey is going to play out. I can't wait to see each day how God is moving in me and through me and through YWAM.I can't wait to be used by the King of Glory. I can't wait to give someone in Haiti a big hug!

My travels so far have been pretty uneventful but I've had a few "gems" placed in my path today that have blessed me incredibly: 1)A dear friend who came to visit me on my last day 2)An amazingly encouraging and unexpected letter3)A mix tape and 4)Free Starbucks x2.God is amazing!!

Shout outs to Jen, Maxine, Colin and Nigel. Can't thank you all enough :)

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